A Wishful Thinking exploration.

We both have careers, but we have other passions as well. When it became apparent our hobbies were evolving, we asked ourselves if we could really make activities we love into a bigger part of our lives, or was it just wishful thinking? We settled on…yes to both! “Wishful Thinking Woods & Goods” was born.

Raeyna has been a veterinarian since 1996, and has had her own housecall practice since 2010. But she also loves to make things - all sorts of things - as the mood strikes her. In our store, you’ll find a frequently-changing set of offerings: mugs, small engraved signs, embroidery, other crafts.

Shane has worked in the IT world since 1992, but suddenly and inexplicably became obsessed with woodworking. More specifically, a growing passion for making wooden furniture that is designed for everyday life, but built to last for generations to come.